Sunday, 1 September 2013


 You know what is GodMode in Windows 7 ?
                            It is one of the major features in Windows 7 OS. In GodMode, we can see almost all the major setting s of Windows 7 in a single window.

                            Now we will check how to turn on the GodMode. For making it on , just create a new folder in desktop. Then rename the folder as                                                                                                   GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C} The resulting folder will be named as GodMode  and it will contain 270 settings.

                            Now any one can make changes in the OS directly from GodMode.

                          The GodMode is useful for system admins to control the system settings from a single platform.

Friday, 5 July 2013


     In normal method you can send messages from gmail by login into gmail and by taking compose mail.
But in some times you will be very busy and you have to send a mail from gmail very very urgently.....

    here is a method. By using this, the compose mail page will appear directly into the screen.

But this is only for sending urgent mails not for checking your inbox, OK

Lets look how....

Just open your browser......

In the address bar, type   mailto:   then enter (as in the picture below)

Normally when your following this for the first time the browser ask , In which application the link needs to in the picture below.....

 then select gmail and give a tick mark in down side remembering check box.

Now the compose window in gmail will open directly with the inbox page.....Try it...

Friday, 21 June 2013



            This is the normal computer networking. That is , one server, one multi-port router and and some client PCs. All these are connected through networking cables (normally CAT 5, 4 pair cable).

        The picture shown above is the normal layout of a simple networking. You can arrange the Server, Router/Access point, Client PCs in this manner. now it comes the cabling.

A network cable has 4 pairs of colored wires (CAT 5)

 There are two types of cabling, according to the way in which the wires are arranged, They are 1). Straight cable and 2) Cross Cable

Straight Cable is a type of cable using for connecting different types of devices.

Eg:1 ). for the connection of Router to PC
     2). For the connection of Hub to PC
     3). For the connection of switch to PC.

Color code for straight cable
                   One End                                                        Other End
              1. Orange white                                                 1. Orange white
              2. Orange                                                          2. Orange
              3. Green white                                                   3. Green white
              4. Blue                                                              4. Blue
              5. Blue white                                                     5. Blue white
              6. Green                                                           6. Green
              7. Brown white                                                 7. Brown white
              8. Brown                                                          8. Brown

 Cross cable is the cabling using for the connection of same devices

 Eg: 1). For the connection of PC to PC
       2). For the connection Router to Router
       3). For the connection Switch to Switch

Color code for straight cable
                   One End                                                        Other End
              1. Orange white                                                 1. Green white
              2. Orange                                                          2. Green
              3. Green white                                                   3. Orange white
              4. Blue                                                              4. Blue
              5. Blue white                                                     5. Blue white
              6. Green                                                           6. Orange
              7. Brown white                                                 7. Brown white
              8. Brown                                                          8. Brown

with help of Crimping Tool , you c an crimp the CAT 5 cable in a RJ45 connector


    Now you can select what kind of cabling you need to connect the devices . Crimp it and connect it
Now the networking process is over . Next what you have to do is configuring your system as per your requirement. that we will discuss in the next post. Pls feel free to ask if you have any doubts related to this post.......Thank you..
